At this point, we can probably say anything about my girl Ji Won, but what we can’t deny is that she has been super meticulous while plotting her revenge.
I mean, how many characters find out that the two persons they have trusted the most in their life have betrayed them in such a colourful and unforgiving way and still feel remorseful when taking revenge?
What I’ll tell you right now is that Ji Won is going down in the history books as the most iconic badass revenge seeker. She’s doing it with such class – choosing not to stoop down to their level – but I love that she’s willing to go lower if they can go low. One ace she definitely has is that she knows them very well.
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I like that she started from flipping the littlest things to the bigger ones and our girl is a winner and I hope Su Min gets the memo soon or she’ll be booted out of everything so fast.
In episode 9 and the beginning of episode 10, we finally saw what we had been waiting for, and if you haven’t watched this week’s episode, you need to hurry right now because it was iconic.
First, she metaphorically flipped his mother and then she literally flipped Min Hwan. Remember how cruel her mother-in-law was? It was a moment I needed the whole universe to witness, but I was just okay with the fact that I was screaming into my pillow, and you guys, my throat was hoarse.

You’ve probably seen the edit online already, but the super-triple-decker slap – yes, I am calling it that from now on – was a breath of fresh air, and I needed Min Hwan to be slapped at least 10 more times because he had been ridiculously rude and disrespectful throughout the beginning of the series, so he really needed that brain reset. And she delivered.
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She made sure to tell everybody about her engagement in episode 9, and I know this is a movie and she’s already acting, but it seems as if she dialled it up a notch while talking to her coworkers because she was glowing when she was speaking to them about the engagement.
Ji Won kept showing off her engagement ring, and everybody could tell that she was so excited about the wedding because that’s what she wanted them to think. So when she walked in the day after flipping Min Hwan on his back and triple-slapped him in front of everybody, it was amazing because everybody in the office sort of came out, and by this point, she’d already spilt the beans that he cheated and even produced a very risky and red piece of evidence.
I have to give it to Song Ha Yoon who plays Jung Su Min because she is such a good actress. If I wasn’t aware of every other malicious thing she had done to Ji Won in the previous episodes, I would have felt sorry for her because it felt like a tower of dominoes was collapsing on both her and Min Hwan.
For one, Min Hwan got his ass handed to him by Ji Won, Ji Won finally stood up to Su Min and told her she couldn’t care less about her, and that she doesn’t like her. And then the whole news about the cheating broke out, and because of that silly supervisor, everybody found out that it was Su Min Min Hwan was sleeping with, so needless to say, public opinion was solidly behind our girl.

Lord knows I was smiling so much, it felt like my teeth were about to come out of my mouth because I was so excited for Ji Won. And then to make everything worse, the fact that Min Hwan and Su Min had covered up the incident in episode 9 about the allergic reaction of one of their customers was revealed and it simply poetic justice for everything that Ji Won had gone through up until this point.
I don’t know if you guys remember, but in episode 9, I believe, after Su Min tried to drown herself and then tried to choke Ji Won, Ji Won told Ji Hyuk that she suddenly had a realization that even if she was able to turn her fate and make her lots in her previous life go to Su Min, she wouldn’t be completely free.
They agreed at that point to simply take it step by step, but I am still so worried. As far as I’m concerned right now, Ji Won has almost completely taken her revenge, but I need to see what happens in the next episode unless I don’t think I can sleep till next week.
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The bottom line is that our girl is so serious about taking her revenge, and I love the way everything is simply happening. It’s all so amazing and so beautiful, and I can’t wait for next week’s episode.